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I haven’t blogged for long, but it didn’t take long for me to know that I love it.  I’m naturally a writer and speaker, so I enjoy having this opportunity.  During my short time blogging I have come across some very impressive blogs, being written by some very impressive people. I thank God for the paths of people I have come across in the blogging world.

If the Apostle Paul had the internet what would he do with it?

Before I give my answer to that question I want to layout some finer points that can give some perspective and back drop to my thoughts.  In America we have went through the radio broadcast era, where being on the radio was crème de la crop, and owning a radio station could cost a small fortune.  There was one man who paid $300,000 for a radio station back in the 70’s.  Radio brought with it the opportunity to reach hundreds and thousands of people.  Television came introducing the opportunity to not only hear the person but see them.  T.V brought with it a premium as well.  While radio and T.V are still in our lives, the internet has brought with it a whole new digital era, revolutionizing both radio and T.V.

The advent of the internet has leveled the playing field, toppling the usual requirement of hundreds of thousands of dollars for entry, to zero and next to nothing!

We are in a time unlike any other, we can set up a “radio station” and/or podcast on the internet for free in some instances and for next to nothing in others.  The price for television air time is still at a premium, but again the internet has opened the door for broadcasting: YouTube, Godtube,video blogging, and other services are part of the leveling force to the traditional structure that previously limited entry players like you and I. The internet and technology has presented an unprecedented opportunity to each of us.  Guttenberg would be blown away with WordPress, E-books, the ease of blogging, Kindles and whispersync, and the simplicity of publishing writings for global viewing.  Wycliffe is probably rolling in his grave in excitement over biblegateway.com, and the many people who scripture blog, putting the word of God for view to potentially millions and billions.

for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained.  (2 Ti 2:9)

Paul was in chains at the time he wrote that to Timothy, he recognized an important point about God’s word in his letter, it was not chained! It couldn’t be imprisoned or be held back, by his limitation to physically reach others.  I think that if the internet was around for Paul he’d use it to spread the knowledge of the Kingdom of God, and they’d fill it with every bit of information about His love, and salvation, they could.

For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations. (Psa 100:5)

The Great Commission, not only gave us authority in Jesus’ name to spread the Gospel to the world, but made us partners in the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18).  As a willing vessel, surrendered for His glory, the internet is another tool in the hands of a mighty God.  As the Holy Spirit works through us, the internet is a tool for the spreading of the knowledge of the Lord, and websites the holder of the greatest truth’s we have.  In one click we send content to the internet that can be viewed across the globe, and often is.  His truth will endure to all generations; from the spoken story telling era, to the written and print era, to radio and tv now to the internet and e-base era the knowledge of the Lord will endure.

What are your thoughts on this?

Is spreading God’s message of grace and love the reason your blogging?

Do you know of any one that still looks at the internet as “evil”?  If so, why?